Headache Relief in New Jersey
Looking for headache relief in NJ? Are you suffering from headaches or other head pain? Are you tired of living on pain medications? Frustrated by missing work and important events with family and friends? Ready for a real, long-lasting pain-relief solution? The leading cause of headaches may not be what you suspect, and it’s not all in your head. The Migraine Center of New Jersey located in Bergen County can help. Dr. Milestone provides exceptionally long-lasting, needle-free, and drug-free pain relief, using the TruDenta Headache Relief technology.
Our Treatment Program
The TruDenta System, used by The Migraine Center of NJ is an approach to the chronic headache that addresses the cause of headaches instead of simply masking the pain. By using a combination of techniques derived from sports medicine therapies, we target the improper muscle forces in the head, neck, and jaw area that cause painful conditions such as headaches. This allows us to get to the root of the problem.
Am I a Candidate?
Studies have shown that the causes of chronic migraines, tension headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, TMJ/TMD, and face, jaw, and neck pain may all be connected. The root of your pain could be related to unbalanced forces in your mouth that affect the muscles of these areas. This may lead to changes in the chemical and nerve reactions that result in chronic pain such as headaches. Additionally, painful headache symptoms could result from an accident, head trauma, bad posture, or any other underlying conditions.
By treating the cause of the headache pain and not just the headache symptoms, we provide long-lasting headache pain relief. Over 36 million Americans annually experience at least occasional recurring headache pain, we offer a headache treatment that is a proven strategy for relieving chronic headache pain. Our method offers a drug-free, needle-free, and pain-free program for long-lasting pain relief.
Our Objective
The Migraine Center of NJ Bergen County’s office headache pain evaluation is easy and simple. After explaining your headache symptoms the overall history of your health with Dr. Milestone, the objective, and computer-assisted headache relief evaluation will help to pinpoint the cause of your headache. Based on observations during the evaluation, a personalized in-office treatment will be prescribed.
Dr. Milestone re-trains the muscles and nerves connected by the trigeminal nucleus to function as they should. Our treatments last about an hour and include the use of several proven, FDA-cleared technologies. Depending upon the severity of your headache pain, your treatment may consist of one to 12 steps completed weekly.
“After 40 years of headaches, I haven’t had another one in the 15 months since I completed treatment.” – one of TruDenta’s many happy, pain-free patients
Do you experience any of the following?
- Two or more day work missed per month due to headaches
- Pain in your jaw, shoulders, face, neck, and arms for longer than a year
- Ringing or fullness in your ears
- One or more chronic headaches a week
Would you like to resolve your headaches in a way that is…
- Drug-free?
- Pain-free?
- Long-lasting?
- Derived from proven sports medicine therapy?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it is time to seek Dr. Milestone’s help. We are specialists involved with headache relief in NJ.
The Migraine Center of NJ Treats the Following Issues
- Clenching and grinding of the teeth
- Discomfort in the neck or jaw
- Dental wear and tooth breakage
- Clicking and popping of the jaw
- Ringing in the ears
- Facial pain
Tags: headache relief Bergen County NJ, Headache Relief Fairlawn NJ, Headache Relief Oradell NJ, headache relief Paramus NJ, Headache Relief River Edge NJ