What is TMJ?
Many residents of Essex County, NJ may be suffering with Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ). TMJ is a disorder of the jaw joints which creates jaw and bite alignment malfunctions in individuals suffering from this disorder. There are numerous ways you can provide TMJ relief. Here are some suggestions from The Migraine Center of NJ:
Some ways to manage TMJ is by icing or applying moist head to the affected areas. Pursuing a soft diet will help with your jaw pain along with exercises specifically made for the jaw. Lastly, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Ibuprofen can also help manage the pain.
At the Migraine Center of NJ near Essex County NJ we diagnose and treat patients with TMJ disorder as well as jaw pain, neck pain, chronic earaches, sleep apnea and all symptoms associated with these issues. If you are looking to get tested or treated book an exam with us at 201-845-8411 or visit our website for more information on how we can help you live pain free.